About Our Development Blog
Hello. And welcome to our brand new development blog.
The Internet is changing the world. It’s changing how we get our news, how we shop, and how we interact with our friends and family. So it’s only natural that it also changes the way govern and run campaigns.
We are excited about making the Internet and the latest technologies a central part of our activities and the daily operations of the South Carolina Republican Party. Over the next few months, you will be seeing some exciting things happening. We are going to launch a full website soon with a host of new social media, networking, and communication functions. Until then we are putting up this development blog to roll out new features one-by-one.
In the following days you will see new calendars, social networks, designs, county contacts, and staff bios pop up, as well as many other helpful tools.
Please come back daily and see what’s happening at the South Carolina Republican Party.