Karen’s Blog – The Legislators Are Back
Yesterday the State House and Senate reconvened for the 2010 session. The legislators have a lot on their plates this year in having to deal with South Carolina’s struggling economy and this year promises to be one of the toughest sessions on record. It didn’t take long for things to get hot in the Senate as your Republican State Senators stood up for our conservative values by unveiling legislation that fights Obama Care.
We all know what a government takeover of our health care system means to the quality of health care in America. And we know that a massive expansion of government will only do more damage to our economy. But your Republican Senators also contend that President Obama’s plan reaches out beyond the federal government’s scope under our nation’s constitution and intrudes on our state’s rights under the 9th and 10th Amendments. I agree. They’re fighting back with a resolution that directs the Attorney General take action against the federal government on behalf of South Carolina taxpayers. Please click here to read the article.
This morning I cannot tell you how proud I am of our State Senators but we know the Democrats aren’t going to take this lying down. They’re currently trying to filibuster the bill. Call Democratic Senators – – you can find them here www.scsenatedems.org. Ask them to stop the filibuster immediately when the Senate reconvenes at 1 pm today.
Have a great day!
– Karen
PS – Last night we had an amazing turnout at our annual legislative reception welcoming back our Republican leaders. Here are a few photos from the event. Click here to see more.