Karen’s Blog: Can You Believe It?
It’s hard to imagine, but its true. We have a chance to pick up a United States Senate — in Massachusettes, of all places!
Republican Scott Brown is close to winning in one of the bluest of the blue states. Voters everywhere are realizing that a government takeover of our health care system will break the bank and cost our nation even more jobs.
This one is going to be very, very close. Republicans around the country are organizing and now South Carolina can do its part. I need you to help out today by calling voters in Massachusetts and encouraging them to turn out and vote on Tuesday.
It’s incredibly easy. In fact, they are using similar technology that we’ll be using this year. You can call Massachusetts voters from the comfort of your own home. You can literally help change the United States Senate from your couch!
Please click here now and start calling for Scott Brown. South Carolinians can help change Washington, but we must get involved right now.
Don’t let the liberal Democrats continue running Washington.
WE NEED YOU! Start calling today.
Have a wonderful day.
– Karen