Wesley Donehue: It’s Time For You To Call Rob Miller
Call the Democrat candidate at his campaign office and ask him what his position is.
The number is 843-379-3680.
Rob Miller wanted to be a member of Congress two years ago, but has refused to give his position on the health bill when asked by reporters on multiple occasions recently. (The Island Packet, The Hill Newspaper)
Nancy Pelosi and her gang of liberals have vowed to pass the health care takeover as early as this weekend.
This is one of the biggest bills ever to come through the halls of Congress and voters have a right to know Miller’s position.
Rob Miller’s campaign has been heavily financed by extreme groups like MoveOn.org. Rob Miller is on record taking a radical position supporting taxpayer funding of abortions in any health bill. (The Palmetto Scoop).
All signs point to Miller siding with a government takeover of health care, but he’s afraid to tell voters his real position.
Call Democrat Rob Miller and demand that he give voters an answer, is it yes or no to a government takeover of health care?
Democrat Rob Miller’s number is 843-379-3680.
Be polite, but get an answer.