SCGOP Chairman Floyd Issues Statement on Healthcare Bill Passage
South Carolina Republican Party Chairman Karen Floyd today issued the following statement on Congressional Democrats’ passage of their national healthcare takeover bill:
“What the House Democrats have done is wrong for the way it expands the federal government’s intrusion into our lives by an unprecedented degree, it’s wrong for the way it puts future generations on the hook for untold future debts, and it’s wrong for the way it takes healthcare decisions away from the American people and puts those decisions into the hands of government,” Floyd said.
“Perhaps most disturbing of all is the way that the Democratic leadership in Congress rammed this bill through using procedural gimmickry. Voters can and will hold Democrats accountable this November, from people like John Spratt who ran point on this latest iteration of the healthcare nationalization, to people like Rob Miller who have refused to publicly stake out a position on where they stand. Fortunately, we have many Republicans on the state and national level who are committed to continue doing whatever they can to oppose this action, either through legal means or legislatively. We are appreciative of their efforts, and I will be working side by side with activists across South Carolina to continue to fight this bill tooth and nail.”