Are you registered to vote?
If you’re receiving this email, chances are that you’re a Republican activist. And that means you’re probably registered to vote.
But what about your friends, family, coworkers and neighbors? Are they registered? Are you sure?
Why don’t you ask them today? The deadline is this Saturday, May 8th. The Internet has given you the ability to talk to hundreds, maybe even thousands, of your friends all at the same time.
Please email your address book, tweet your followers and facebook all your friends today.
They don’t have to be Republican or even conservative. We believe in 100% voter participation. We know that conservative ideas will win the day and we have a fantastic slate of candidates… so don’t hold back. Let’s get everyone we know registered.
Here’s what you need to do.
1. Send out an Internet message and let everyone know to visit to learn how to register this week before the Saturday deadline.
2. Use the comment section below to tell everyone that you help increase voter participation in South Carolina.
Let’s get to work!
Karen Floyd