Rob Miller Afraid to Align with Political Middle
(COLUMBIA, SC – June 30, 2010) Just when you think liberal Democrat Rob Miller has squirmed all he can to avoid publicly taking a firm stand on key issues, he squirms some more.
It’s bad enough he bounces back and forth between talking tough on some conservative issues, and then stands with liberals so he can take their hefty checks. Now it turns out Rob Miller is even afraid to align himself with the political middle!
Don’t take our word for it. Just yesterday, Miller had a chat with the liberal blog Down With Tyranny. And what a revealing chat it was. Miller tipped his hand more than he probably intended, indicating that if the voters of South Carolina’s Second Congressional District send him to Washington, he won’t side with the moderate and conservative House Democrats known as the “Blue Dogs.”
The blog post says: “…I asked (Miller) if we can expect to see him join the Blue Dog Caucus in Congress. He laughed. “I get asked that all the time.” He said he wouldn’t be joining the Blue Dogs…” (Read entire post by clicking here)
But it gets better. The post goes on to report “…an impeccable source told me that the Blue Dogs approached Miller several times bearing gifts… and he turned them down flat.”
Why this sudden display of political conviction? Miller is quoted as explaining it this way: “What South Carolinians are looking for is an independent voice that represents hard working people in this district…”
No, your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you. Rob Miller, the same candidate whose Federal Election Commission financial filings reveal had no problem pocketing a cool $370,000 funneled through the ultra-liberal that mocked Gen. David Petraeus, suddenly wants to be an “independent.”
So Miller’s political identity crisis drags on while perplexed South Carolinians keep asking: Just whose side is Rob Miller really on?
At least we now know this much: as the political winds toss him around like a twister, wherever Rob Miller finally lands, there won’t be any moderate or conservative Democrats there to welcome him.