The Mulvaney Money Bomb
We can win 39 seats in just 39 days!
In just 39 days, we have a tremendous opportunity to send a loud message to the big-spenders in Washington by electing Mick Mulvaney as the 39th seat that Republicans need to retake the House. Electing Mick and retiring the current Budget Chairman is the best way to put an end to business as usual in Congress.
The days of reckless borrowing and spending without a budget have endangered this nation’s fiscal future and we should not stand for it anymore. The simple truth is that Mick’s calls for a leaner, more fiscally responsible government, have resonated with 5th District voters because those ideals reflect our shared values.
If you want a congressman who carries your values to Washington and serves as your voice, please visit and help us reach our goal of raising $39,000 by September 30th and electing Mick as the 39th and deciding seat in the House.
Several conservative leaders have also joined the 39 Seats in 39 Days effort to win back Republican control of the House:
U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC): “Mick Mulvaney has the courage, common sense and respect for our Constitution that will change the way Washington works. Defeating President Obama’s Budget Chairman will send shock-waves through the Washington establishment. This is the most important House race in the country.”
Gov. Mitt Romney: “Mick Mulvaney understands that massive federal spending is bankrupting our future and our children’s future. Mick is a fiscal conservative and as your congressman he will stand with the people against more of the same old Washington tax and spend thinking. Please consider donating to the Mulvaney money bomb today!”
Former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum: “Mick Mulvaney is just the right fiscal conservative to defeat Nancy Pelosi’s Budget Chairman, John Spratt. Mick has a strong commitment to fiscal accountability and has a proven and strong fiscal record in the SC legislature. Mick will bring that record to DC and will be a key vote in controlling spending in Washington, DC. Please consider making a donation to support Mick’s campaign.”
Speaker Newt Gingrich: “Mick Mulvaney is a strong fiscal conservative who will work hard to create jobs and restore our economy. He has a real shot at defeating John Spratt this November and this race will be key to Republican efforts to take back the House.”
House Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA): “Conservatives like Mick Mulvaney are needed to repair the damage done by House Democrats and restore the balance in Washington. Putting Mulvaney over the top this November is the key to making this a reality.”
SCGOP Chairman Karen Floyd: “John Spratt has been one of Nancy Pelosi’s most trusted and favored lieutenants in Congress, and the sad truth is that Congressman Spratt’s liberal voting record simply does not represent South Carolina values. We have a chance to elect a conservative champion in Mick Mulvaney, and I hope you will join the SCGOP in that effort.”
NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions (R-TX): “We can restore the majority with Republicans like Mick Mulvaney in the House. November is fast approaching and the political climate is not getting any better for Democrats. This race is one to watch.”
House Republican Chief Deputy Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA): “Mulvaney has an opportunity to be the final piece of the puzzle. Overthrowing the Budget Chairman and regaining a majority in the House are achievable goals with Mick Mulvaney’s continued uptick in momentum.”
NRCC Vice-Chairman Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA): “Mick Mulvaney is the conservative voice we need here in Washington. The momentum behind the conservative movement will push his race over the top.”