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Aiken Resolution: Supporting the South Carolina Republican Creed

This below resolution was passed at the Aiken county convention, and will now go to the resolutions committee. If the resolutions committee passes it, the resolution will be up for a vote at the state convention. However, before the resolutions committee votes, they want to know your opinion. Please use the comments section below to give us your opinion, and please use your real name. Thank you!

Whereas, the South Carolina Republican Party Creed clearly states what it means to be a South Carolina Republican; and

Whereas, the South Carolina Republican Party Creed is not in the South Carolina Republican Party platform; and

Whereas, the South Carolina Republican Party Creed is not on the South Carolina Republican Party website;

Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Aiken County Republican Party urges that the South Carolina Republican Party Creed be included in both the South Carolina Republican Party platform and on the South Carolina Republican Party website.