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Aiken Resolution: Voter Registration and Closed Primary

This below resolution was passed at the Aiken county convention, and will now go to the resolutions committee. If the resolutions committee passes it, the resolution will be up for a vote at the state convention. However, before the resolutions committee votes, they want to know your opinion. Please use the comments section below to give us your opinion, and please use your real name. Thank you!

Whereas, the South Carolina Republican Party is made up of citizens of shared values of limited government, balanced budgets, lower taxes and free enterprise and those citizens wish to choose candidates who reflect those values and principles; and

Whereas, the South Carolina Republican Party as the majority party is vulnerable to those who wish to assume affiliation with the Republican party to run for office, but do not support its principles; and

Whereas, the current South Carolina election laws do permit any citizen to vote in the primary election of any political party and thus create the opportunity for individuals opposed to the views and principles of the Republican Party to work in concert to elect candidates who are philosophically opposed to the principles of the Party;

Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Aiken County Republican Party urges the legislators of South Carolina to enact a law that provides for the registration of voters by the political party of their choice and for those voters to participate only in the primary elections of the party for which they are registered.