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An Important Message From Congressman Wilson on Extreme Liberal Elitism

At this point it is difficult to keep up with the number of times the Obama administration has trampled over our states’ rights. Perhaps the President and his appointees have not read the Constitution they have promised to uphold.

This Constitution is what empowers the federal government. However, the Obama administration repeatedly disregards this and enforces their own belief that the federal government has a stranglehold on states.

Out-of-control spending, the government takeover of our health care system, and foreign policies that have increased costs at the gas tank have killed any ability for an economic recovery. As if all that weren’t bad enough, now the Obama administration is handing our economy straight over to the unions.

Recently the National Labor Relations Board (NRLB) ruled that Boeing could not open its new Dreamliner facility in North Charleston since its decision to expand operations in South Carolina was allegedly due in part to union strikes.

We cannot and must not stand for this unconstitutional example of extreme liberal elitism. As a State Senator, I helped strengthen right-to-work laws in South Carolina and now as a United States Congressman, I watch proudly as our state legislature continues to push legislation to stop union intimidation. I’m making my voice heard and now I need you to do the same.

South Carolina sits in a unique place and I don’t mean between Georgia and North Carolinia. We are an early primary state and that means every presidential candidate and every national news outlet pays attention when we speak.

Simply put – it’s time for you to be heard.

Speak up. Now.

This is a prime example of what happens when a business fights union intimidation. It is exactly why we continue to fight for strong right-to-work laws in South Carolina and across the country. South Carolinians won’t be intimidated by unions or an overreaching federal government.

Express your outrage that the federal government would kill local jobs to side with union bosses. Use my Facebook page to speak out against the National Labor Relations Board. Post a comment to express your views on this issue, and let them know that South Carolina supports labor laws that protect both employers and employees.

Please help me in supporting Boeing now to make sure that future companies feel welcome in locating to our great state!


Joe Wilson
U.S. Congressman

P.S. To visit my Facebook page, please click here now.