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Brandon Newton: Republicans offer future for all ages

Lancaster County Republicans welcome Matt Moore, the new chair of the S.C. Republican Party. Moore replaces Chad Connelly, who just took a role at the Republican National Committee.

As the youngest state party chairman in the nation, Moore has a lot of experience under his belt already, having worked as the political director for the S.C. Republican Party, as well as the state director for Sen. Tim Scott. He has long been an active presence in Lancaster County, most recently coming to welcome Lancaster County Sheriff Barry Faile when he joined the Republican Party. We can count on his support as we continue to build upon our recent gains by Lancaster County Republicans. Moore is well-qualified to serve in this new position and he will help ensure that our state continues to elect conservative common sense leaders. As the youngest county party vice chair in South Carolina, I look forward to working with him.

Young Republican Party leaders such as Moore will continue to push for issues that are important to young people because they understand that if we do not change the direction of our country there will be no way for our futures to be as bright as our parents and also our chance at achieving the American dream will be greatly diminished.

Moore stands committed, as I, and other Lancaster Republicans do, to standing true to the basic principles of limited government, which does not over-regulate businesses – the life blood of our economy – and keeps taxes low so struggling families are not overburdened during this economy. These are the two most important steps in ensuring greater opportunities for our youth.

The Republican Party wants to protect business owners from our government’s costly intrusion into the health-care market with Obamacare, including small business owners like my mother and her co-owner, who run a small business with just one employee. They are finding it harder and harder to keep affordable health insurance for her employee.

Senior citizens, such as my grandparents, use Medicare. But without supplemental insurance, they could not afford to go to the doctor or hospital to get the care they need. They are now faced with a fast-rising supplemental insurance policy with no end in sight.

People like this are everywhere and I’m a Republican because the Republican Party stands committed to protecting them from the over intrusion and failures of a fast-growing federal government.

As a college student, my life is ahead of me, but it is important that government does not get in the way of me and others in my generation who want to pursue our dreams and make a difference.

As a Republican, I am standing with bold principles that will save the country we all love and protect it for future generations. I believe in a small government and lower taxes, but also in a responsible government that protects our citizens who need help, but provides the ability for our future to be better than our parents.

If you share this vision, no matter what your age or place in life, then you’re a Republican, too.

Lancaster County Republicans meet the third Thursday each month at Mike Williams Builders, located at 1351 Lancaster Highway (U.S. 521) in Lancaster, just north of the S.C. 9 Bypass interchange. Meetings start at 7 p.m. and are open to any Lancaster County neighbor who wants to learn more and get involved.

Brandon Newton is first vice chair for the Lancaster Republican Party

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