SCGOP Weekly Update – February 21, 2014
My Fellow Conservative –
We’ve had a busy week here at the S.C. Republican Party! These Weekly Updates are intended to keep you in the loop on our progress here at headquarters.
It was my honor to speak at the Anderson County Republican Party meeting on Monday night. I updated their members on our new “Red to the Roots” program and our 2014 election priorities, including registering over 10,000 new Republican voters who will help re-elect Governor Nikki Haley and the Republican team.
Our field staff also criss-crossed the state this week, attending meetings in Orangeburg, Dorchester, Charleston, Greenville, Spartanburg, Marion, and Pickens counties. Tomorrow, our grassroots team, led by State Director Hope Walker, will host a 3rd Congressional District Training Day – where party leaders will learn more about getting out the vote, communications, and technology.
We also this week announced our Day of Action to be held on March 1, 2014.
Will you join the team and commit to making phone calls and walking precincts on March 1? Your efforts can make THE difference between our candidates winning and losing! Click here to sign up.
On Wednesday, we once again highlighted the stunning hypocrisy of Vincent Sheheen’s campaign for governor. “Vanishing Vince” Sheheen has missed over 20% of State Senate votes since 2011 and just this week missed his second consecutive Senate Judiciary Committee meeting. The last thing South Carolina needs is a liberal governor who doesn’t even show up for work:
Finally, I was honored yesterday to appear on MSNBC to discuss Hillary Clinton’s “possible” presidential campaign. Watch the video below where I say Hillary Clinton “is the most cold and calculated politician of our lifetimes.”
There’s no denying it. Hillary Clinton will say and do almost anything to get elected president.
Regardless of where you stand in the Republican Party, our mission is clear: We must do everything in our power to win the U.S. Senate in 2014 and stop the Clinton machine in 2016. Far more unites us than divides us!
In the coming months, I hope to have you working alongside me as we make the calls, walk the neighborhoods, write the letters and go all-out to cement our reputation as the most effective, efficient, and successful state Republican Party in the nation.
Until then my door is always open and your phone call is always welcomed. Thank you again for being a vital, committed part of our grassroots team of South Carolina Republicans.
In Freedom,
Matt Moore
South Carolina Republican Party