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SCGOP Statement on Beto O’Rourke visit

(3/22/19 – Columbia, SC) SC Republican Party Chairman Drew McKissick issued the following statement regarding Robert “Beto” O’Rourke’s visit to South Carolina:

“There are so many Democrats running for President now that this guy had to live-stream a visit to the dentist in order to get attention. The problem is that all of that attention has shown what a radical liberal he really is. Basically he’s Nancy Pelosi in wingtips.

“In a week when President Trump stood firmly with Israel in recognizing its sovereignty over the Golan Heights, O’Rourke won’t even stand up to the anti-Israel elements in his own party and refuses to even speak to the nation’s largest Jewish interest group. It begs the question of whether he agrees with Ilhan Omar about American support for Israel.

“After losing a Senate race, O’Rourke took a road trip to get away and find himself, but fortunately for voters he can’t get away from his liberal record.

“The simple fact is that a guy who opposes defending our borders, supports more illegal immigration, supports taxpayer funding for third-trimester abortions, supports abolishing the electoral college and pack the Supreme Court with liberals, and supports a scheme to have the government takeover health care won’t find much support in South Carolina. He needs to take another road trip – back to where he came from.”
