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SCGOP Passes Election Integrity Resolution

SCGOP Passes Election Integrity Resolution

(Columbia, S.C.) – On Saturday, December 11 the South Carolina Republican Party held its fourth quarter State Executive Committee meeting. By an unanimous voice vote, the committee passed a comprehensive election integrity resolution, calling on the General Assembly to pass the initiatives into law.

The resolution focused on securing elections and preventing against opportunities for voter fraud before voting happens.

Some of the points included:

  • Requiring all county election commissions to fall under the authority of the State Election Commission
  • Requiring the State Election Commission conduct hand recount audits of randomly selected precincts after each election
  • Expanding in person absentee voting while reducing the amount of excuses for mail-in absentee ballots
  • Extending photo voter-ID requirements to mail-in absentee ballots

“South Carolina didn’t have the problems other states had in 2020, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement in our election laws,” said SCGOP Chairman Drew McKissick. “It should be easy to vote and hard to cheat, and we hope the General Assembly will pass these safeguards to protect against the potential for future fraud and increase voter confidence in our election system.”

The South Carolina Republican Party started its focus on election integrity before the 2020 election, intervening in three Democrat led lawsuits and arguing one to the United States Supreme Court and winning. It also recruited more poll watchers and poll workers across the state than ever before.

SCGOP Chairman Drew McKissick was appointed to the Republican National Committee’s Election Integrity Committee in February 2021.

Read the full SCGOP Election Integrity resolution here.

Read more about the lawsuit taken up to the U.S. Supreme Court in 2020 here.
