ICYMI: Cunningham Decries Dark Money, But Benefits From New Dark Money Ads
We wanted to flag a recent article that highlights how Joe Cunningham, who has touted his opposition to “dark money” in the past, has now refused …
We wanted to flag a recent article that highlights how Joe Cunningham, who has touted his opposition to “dark money” in the past, has now refused …
I wanted to flag the latest op-ed by Chairman McKissick that was published in the Greenwood Index- Journal about the success of the Trump economy here in South …
Greenville Business Magazine: Opinion June 20, 2019- 11:44AM For months, America’s farmers, ranchers, and manufacturers have been waiting on Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat-led House …
I wanted to flag a recent op-ed from Congressman Joe Wilson about the success of the Trump Administration’s policies. From creating a record-breaking economy to negotiating …
In Case You Missed It… Already backed by fundraising money from lobbyists and foreign agents, a former Podesta Group lobbyist launched his campaign to unseat Sen. Lindsey …
In Case You Missed It: Top South Carolina Democrats NOT ready for Hillary Clinton Good morning – if you’re writing about Hillary Clinton’s serious …
“It is very concerning that there were accusations yesterday that a senator was bullying and trying to weigh in on keeping a brother-in-law with …
Earlier today SCGOP Chairman Matt Moore joined SCDP Chairman Jaime Harrison on MSNBC to discuss Hillary Clinton’s presumptive campaign for United States President: Link …
LANCASTER, S.C. November 23, 2013 (AP) By JEFFREY COLLINS – Link South Carolina Republican Party Chairman Matt Moore shares some striking political data when …
Friend, Vince Sheheen and the S.C. Democratic Party today held a press conference decrying “mud slinging” in the South Carolina gubernatorial race. Beyond being …