Will you say Thank You to Senator Jim DeMint?
We’re sending a Thank You card to Senator Jim DeMint and we want to include your name.
Senator DeMint has become a national conservative leader for his fight to stop President Obama’s ultra-liberal agenda. This week Senator DeMint was attacked by Obama crony Chad McGowan, because he’s been working tirelessly to elect strong conservatives to the United States Senate. McGowan says that Senator DeMint is ignoring South Carolina but you and I both know that nothing could be further from the truth.
The best thing Senator DeMint can do for South Carolina families is to fight off Washington liberals and their extreme spending and government run health care plan. Senator DeMint can’t do it alone, so he’s working around the country to help elect strong conservatives to the Senate.
On Friday we will send Senator DeMint a Thank You card to show him our gratitude for his unending effort to shake things up in Washington. Not only is he leading the fight against President Obama’s ultra-liberal agenda , he’s also leading the formation of common-sense solutions to restore our nation’s freedoms.
Please add your name to Senator DeMint’s Thank You card. Let him know how much you appreciate his dedication to our conservative principles.
Just fill out the form below to add your name today. We need to let Senator DeMint know that South Carolina’s conservatives stand with him.
Karen Floyd
PS – Below is a wonderful editorial run this week by the Spartanburg Herald Journal. I encourage you to read it and then sign our Thank You card to Senator DeMint.
A Senator’s Job
A senator should make the right decisions for the nation, not just his state
A U.S. senator from South Carolina is not merely a lobbyist for his home state. His job is to represent the views of his constituents on national issues and make the right decisions for the country.
Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., is correct when he says that “Senate seats are not about a particular state. They’re about our country. Every vote I take is not about South Carolina. It’s about the United States of America.”
A senator’s job is to help create national policy and federal laws — policies and laws that further national goals and the security and prosperity of the nation as a whole.
DeMint has been castigated for his comments by one of his opponents, Democrat Chad McGowan, who claims DeMint is putting his personal political goals ahead of the interests of the state.
McGowan is wrong. When our system breaks down, it is frequently because a member of Congress has forgotten his duty is to the nation. He focuses only on the narrow interests of his state, usually motivated by re-election.
One obvious result of this perspective is runaway pork-barrel spending. Members of Congress become more concerned with their re-election than with the fiscal condition of the federal government and allocate millions for unnecessary projects in their states and districts.
This has contributed to our massive national debt, a millstone around the neck of the nation’s economy.
Another result is the fact that this country has no place to put its high-level nuclear waste. The United States has built a suitable and safe facility, but it is located in Nevada. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., opposes the use of this facility, so it sits unused while dangerous nuclear waste piles up at commercial nuclear power plants and at the Savannah River Site, which is unsuitable for the purpose.
The country needs a safe disposal site for this waste because it needs to develop more nuclear power, which does not lead to climate change or increase our dependence on foreign oil. But the nation cannot reach this national goal because one misguided but powerful politician puts parochial interests ahead of national interests.
McGowan’s comments on how this state needs two senators “who produce for South Carolina” seem to make sense at first glance, but if all members of Congress thought solely about their own states South Carolina would be in bad shape. We have only eight members of Congress and can be quickly outvoted by larger states.
DeMint is right to remember his national responsibilities. When that perspective is lost, national priorities and our nation as a whole — including South Carolina — suffer.