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Where in the World is Rob Miller, Part II

Columbia, SC – February 24, 2010 – Democratic Congressional candidate Rob Miller has been busy, but not in the Second Congressional District where he’s running.

First, he was clinking glasses with a liberal club in Manhattan. Last night, he was in Washington, D.C. kowtowing to union bosses at a fundraiser. Tonight, he’s back in the national capital with arch-liberal Nancy Pelosi at yet another leftist meet and greet. National liberal leaders Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, James Clyburn, and others hosted a “Meet Our 2010 Candidates” reception at the DNC Headquarters tonight, which Miller is attending.

Today, S.C. GOP Executive Director Joel Sawyer issued the following statement on Miller’s recent activity:

“You can tell a lot by the company people keep, and judging by the people that Mr. Miller is associating with, it’s clear he doesn’t represent the values of hard-working South Carolinians,” Sawyer said. “Mr. Miller is spending so much time raising money with out of state liberals, he just might jeopardize his residency requirement for running in South Carolina’s 2nd Congressional District.”