$1 A Day Keeps The Liberals At Bay
$1 A Day Keeps The Liberals At Bay and gets you a FREE T-Shirt
Can you buy a bottle of water for $1?
Can you buy a candy bar for $1?
Can you buy a coffee for $1?
Actually…a dollar cannot buy you any of those things anymore but, a dollar a day can change America!
Today we are facing one of the most liberal agendas America has ever seen. From explosive spending sprees to a government takeover of our health care system President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid are encroaching onto our rights and threatening our freedoms.
Luckily, South Carolina has conservative leaders like Senator Jim DeMint and Congressman Joe Wilson who are leading the national fight for us. We must do everything in our power to send them back to Washington. We also have a real chance to bring Congressman John Spratt home and replace him with a true conservative.
And this year nothing is more important than keeping a Republican in the Governor’s mansion.
We need to take action. So, my dear friends it’s time for us to get our checkbooks out and show those liberals that we are ready to take our nation back!
You can make a difference today by joining Team 365. I have set a personal goal to gain 25 new members by April 1st. We are going to need it to keep those ultra-liberals at bay. Nothing does that better than money; and that’s why we need you to become a founding member of Team 365 today!
Please join me right now in our fight to change the direction our nation is heading. Click here and join Team 365.
Join today and receive a Team 365 founding member T-Shirt.
Visit www.sc.gop/team365 to join today. Remember just $1 a day keeps the liberals at bay.