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Keep The Liberals At Bay

I’m going to get right to the point. By now you’ve probably received emails from 50 different campaigns and organizations asking for money. In this hard economy, I know its tough giving to any of them.

Today…the South Carolina Republican Party needs your help because we have a real chance to truly change our nation by removing Congressman John Spratt from office and replacing him with a true conservative leader.

That’s why I’m asking you to become a Founding Member of Team 365. By clicking here and donating just $1 A Day, you can help us build the grassroots team that will remove Nancy Pelosi’s top lieutenant. You’ll also receive our new t-shirt for free so that you can show your friends that you support conservative change.

Last week the Democrats rammed through an unconstitutional government takeover of our health care system.  Guess who ran their operation on the House floor?

That’s right!  South Carolina’s very own John Spratt.

National news organizations are now naming Mick Mulvaney one of the biggest surprises of the year. He can take out John Spratt in November and we are 1000% committed to helping him.

We need to take action.  So, my dear friends its time for us to get our checkbooks out and show those liberals that we want change in D.C.!

You can make a difference today by joining Team 365. I have set a personal goal to gain 25 new members by April 1st.  We are going to need it to keep those ultra-liberal wing nuts at bay.  Nothing does that better than money!

Click here and join Team 365.  Join today and receive a Team 365 founding member T-Shirt.



PS: By joining Team 365 we will debit your bank account each month for $30. With just $1 a day, $365 a year, you can change America.

Join today and get a free t-shirt!

Visit to join today. Remember just $1 a day keeps the liberals at bay.