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We Are Still First In The South

SC Republican Family –

We have big news to celebrate this morning. I just arrived home from Kansas City where at the RNC summer meeting, our First in the South Presidential Primary was secured for 2012. This was a major victory that we’ve been working toward for months, and around the clock.

I want to specifically thank our executive committeewoman Cindy Costa and our executive committeeman Glenn McCall for all their hard work. This wasn’t a simple task by any stretch of the imagination. But as South Carolina has proven over and over again, we aren’t afraid of a tough fight.

Here’s a great article from The State. In celebration of this big victory, I ask that you help us grow our Facebook team. Ask your friends to join the SC Republican Party. Just click here and click the “Share With Friends” link under our logo.


Karen Floyd
Chairman, SCGOP

THE STATE: GOP presidential primary still an early affair in S.C.

South Carolina will maintain its position as the first Republican presidential primary in the South, according to a calendar approved by the Republican National Committee Friday.

The RNC voted to move early-voting states such as Iowa, New Hampshire and S.C. to February primaries. In 2008, a number of states tried to move up their scheduled election dates resulting in S.C. moving its date to January.

The rule changes also require states voting in March to award delegates proportionally instead of winner-take-all, with the goal of extending the primary process to allow more states a say. S.C. GOP executive director Joel Sawyer said the party can vote to move its primary date to maintain the early state order without legislative approval if other states move up their primaries.

In a statement, S.C. GOP chairman Karen Floyd said South Carolina is a small enough state to allow candidates to travel and meet voters. In addition, media and other campaign costs are relatively low.

Since 1980, the winner of the S.C. GOP presidential primary has gone on to win the Republican nomination.

“We have a remarkable track record in putting forward a nominee to carry the Republican banner,” Floyd said, “and as Chairman I am committed to doing whatever is needed to preserve that role and that legacy.”