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Graham: Let each state decide on healthcare

U-S senator Lindsey Graham was at Skylyn Medical Associates in Spartanburg today to discuss the problems with the recently enacted healthcare reform law also known as “Obama healthcare.” Graham plans to introduce legislation that would let states decide on their own.

One of the ideas I have is let each state decide. So, I am going to give every state the ability through my legislation to opt out of Obama healthcare when it comes to employer mandates, the individual mandates in expanding Medicaid.

Graham says healthcare reform is needed, just not the Obama Adminstration’s plan.

We need to reform the health care system, but the solution called Obama health care is not the right solution. It’s going to result in private-sector companies dropping healthcare and the employees are going to be pushed into government-run programs.

Graham also introduced and signed a “Citizens Prescription” sign calling on the U-S congress to Repeal and Replace the Obama Administration’s healthcare plan.

By Michael Brown, “South Carolina Radio Network”