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The Smart Choice for Congressional District 2

We have seen many advertisements from both candidates who are running for South Carolina’s 2nd Congressional District. The two candidates have vastly different views on the issues and would steer our state in two opposing directions. Here are your two options…

The Conservative Choice: Joe Wilson

  • Has a comprehensive “Jobs Plan” that involves trimming down the income tax and discretionary spending
  • Wants to provide a fertile economic environment with limited government regulation
  • Is dedicated to fighting the outrageous Obamacare legislation that threatens our civil liberties
  • Sees the need for strict budgetary controls on government spending to decrease the national debt
The Liberal Choice: Rob Miller

  • Has launched numerous false attacks on Joe that do not contain any truth whatsoever
  • Declared his opposition to Nancy Pelosi in the final weeks of the campaign and only after he took nearly $3 Million from her and her liberal Washington allies. He can’t be trusted.

  • Accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars from, which labeled General Petraeus a “betrayer”
  • Will not support a fight against Obamacare
In order to create a positive change for South Carolina’s economy and job creation, we need a true conservative in our state’s 2nd Congressional District. All of us have seen the negative impact of enacting liberal policies, and we certainly do not want more of the same.

Click here now to help us keep conservative candidate Joe Wilson as our Congressman!