Resolve To Build Our Party in 2011
Over the campaign season, we all strived to create conservative change in our state by winning elections. We knew that the only hope for our economy and individual liberties was to elect true conservative reformers that would challenge the role of government. Now that we accomplished that goal, it’s on to Stage 2.
Rather than becoming lax and heading to the break room, we are simply redirecting our energy from the conference room table to the assembly line floor. We are making a resolution to aggressively build our party in 2011.
The first project on the docket is redistricting. This is a crucial task that has broad implications, and costs a good amount for research and analysis as we strive to draw a 7th congressional district. Second, in case you haven’t heard, the Republican Presidential Debates will be occurring on May 5th of next year, which will require an unbelievable amount of effort and hired personnel to accomplish.
In November, you voted to end the reign of Big Government and usher in an era of small business ideals that will save our nation’s economy. We must control spending while also carefully planning for the future.
However, we need your help to build our party and implement our shared values. Please click here now so we can deliver the conservative solutions this state so desperately needs.