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Roll Call Voting Bill Passes House

Transparency issue fast-tracked for first week passage

(Columbia, SC) – A Bill (H. 3004) to deliver increased transparency and government accountability by making Roll Call Voting in both legislative bodies a state law unanimously passed the South Carolina House of Representatives today by a vote of 104-0.

House Speaker Bobby Harrell said, “Making sure South Carolinians know exactly how their lawmakers voted on important issues is a crucial step in making our state government more accountable to the people. Passing Roll Call Voting as a state law will help instill the trust our citizens should have in their state government.”

This transparency measure is identical to the Roll Call Voting Bill (H. 3047) unanimously passed by the House last session and adopted as a standing House Rule in 2009.

Speaker Harrell added, “By Rule, this increased level of transparency in Roll Call Voting has been in effect in the House since its adoption in 2009. But because of the importance of this issue, House Members today took a major step in making this added accountability tool a state law that will result in more on-the-record votes in both legislative bodies.”

The Roll Call Voting Bill will receive a procedural third reading on Friday and will then be sent to the Senate.

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