Obama on WYFF Greenville today, SCGOP Chairman says President avoiding tough questions
Columbia, S.C. – Today, President Barack Obama will appear on WYFF in Greenville, South Carolina in an interview from the White House. Instead of coming to South Carolina to explain his failed jobs record and answer questions about his government takeover of healthcare, President Obama chose this television station to reach western North Carolina voters and avoid tough questions from North Carolina reporters.
“While giving the appearance that he wishes to answer questions about his failed policies from South Carolinians, Barack Obama chose a television station where he can reach a voters in western North Carolina,” said SCGOP Chairman Chad Connelly.
“With the North Carolina Democratic Party embroiled in a scandal, his National Convention in Charlotte in financial ruin, and an extremely unpopular Democrat Governor in Raleigh, it is evident that the ‘Campaigner-in-Chief’ is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of South Carolinians and speak to western North Carolina voters without setting foot in either state.
“South Carolina voters know that neither our national economy nor this President are ‘doing fine.’ And come November, hundreds of volunteers from the South Carolina Republican Party will work to ensure that North Carolina voters know this as well.”