Obama abandons South Carolina; S.C. Democrats revolt
The South Carolina Republican Party is working overtime with the Democratic National Convention happening just across the border in Charlotte. Throughout the week, the SCGOP will highlight Barack Obama’s failed leadership as it relates to South Carolina.
Obama abandons South Carolina; police report captures S.C. Democrats’ revolt
Obama in 2008: “Because we are not a collection of red states and blue states. We are the United States of America.” (Jan. 3, 2008, Iowa Caucus victory speech)
Obama in 2012: “There are no red states or blue states, just the United States.” (April 30, 2012, Twitter – redacted image below)
Reality: Obama’s last visit to South Carolina was January 26, 2008 – the night of his S.C. Primary victory. (Source)
Barack Obama’s abandonment of South Carolina Democrats has spurred anger and an understandable crisis of confidence in their party’s leader.
In fact, the Lancaster County Democratic Party (near Charlotte) has refused to place Obama/Biden signs in its windows. An August 22, 2012 police report described the scene as a Democrat activist became visibly angry at the lack of Obama/Biden signs:
The “loud” and “agitated” man “came by the office the next day, saying he wanted Obama posters hung in the windows. But the campaign manager said that wasn’t possible…” (Source)