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ACTION ALERT: Your help needed TODAY to stop Obama’s early childhood education plan for South Carolina!

ACTION ALERTDear Fellow Republican,

Barack Obama has a plan for our children. He wants every child across the nation enrolled in a government early education program.

Left wing academics and labor organizers hatched the plan. Sadly, their goals are social, not educational. They understand that government pre-Kindergarten isn’t academically effective. Obama’s own Department of Health and Human Services determined that among students participating in these programs “there was little evidence of systematic differences in [the] children’s elementary school experiences through 3rd grade.”

Thankfully, Barack Obama’s plan has been blocked in Washington by conservative Republican lawmakers, including our South Carolina delegation.

But somehow, a version of the Obama pre-kindergarten plan has been inserted into the South Carolina State Budget, and we need you to call and help get it blocked. This plan would expand a small court-ordered trial program in certain rural areas into a statewide government pre-Kindergarten program.

How the Obama early childhood education agenda worked itself into the budget isn’t yet clear. What is clear is that we must stop it!

Please click here to get the phone numbers of our Republican Senators and let them know that we need them to defeat this amendment.

We cannot allow the left to send taxpayer money to a controversial Obama social program in South Carolina; especially when they won’t let families make choices about where their children attend K-12 schools.

The time to stand up against Obama’s government-run early childhood program and for real options for students in elementary and secondary schools is right now!


Chad Connelly
Chairman, South Carolina Republican Party

P.S. This vote will likely take place early next week, so make sure to make many calls this weekend! Please make sure your voice is heard!