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What we’re up to in 2014…

No SuperPAC or third party group is doing the kind of work that your State Party is doing…

My friend —

The campaign season is heating up! I hope you’ll take a moment to watch the video above – where you can learn about the exciting events coming up over the next five weeks. Click here to RSVP for our Silver Elephant Dinner with Gov. Bobby Jindal.

What else are we up to in 2014?

Our state party continues to move towards a precinct-based, grassroots organizing structure to build long-term relationships with people in our communities. We’re engaging at the precinct level with improved voter contact tools that will lead to better persuasion and activation of voters.

The State Party has made great investments in giving our candidates and their campaigns the necessary tools for victory. Every decision we’re making is based on better data and technology that are already helping us locate, communicate with, persuade and turn out voters.

Our voter file – accessed through GOP Data Center or the new Data Beacon – is the best, most comprehensive Republican voter file in history. It’s enhanced with 18 years of voter contact history including Victory 2012 and 3rd party contacts relayed back through our API, which allows those 3rd party applications to connect with and pass data back to the voter file.

We’ve also added predictive analytics based on data science through an app we call Foresight, which help us better understand and predict voter behavior. Nearly 5000 consumer data points on each individual voter are layered on to the voter file, allowing us to target voters with pinpoint accuracy. We’ve created a 0 to 100 point voter score from these analytics, which gives a crystalized view of voter propensity, partisanship, candidate support and attitudes towards bad policies like Obamacare.

Our new iPhone door to door app uses the voter file, predictive analytics and the API to help candidates and campaigns better target households and not waste valuable time. The door to door data – including email addresses, policy positions, and phone numbers – is added back to our voter file in REAL time….providing instant feedback for campaigns. Decisions can be made on the fly!

These tools have already been tested across the country. Just recently, Republicans won a hard fought Florida Congressional race and the San Diego mayor’s race. In each of these races, analytics and voter contact tools allowed the campaigns to predict voter behavior and turn them out with a high degree of accuracy. In the Florida Congressional District 13 race won by David Jolly, Republicans (led by the state party and national party) impressively predicted the number of voters needed to win to within 500 votes out of 88,000. These predictions continually directed the voter contact efforts.

These new tools really work, and we hope you’ll give them a try during our Month of Action from May 12 until June 12. You can do much of the work from your own home! If you have not signed up to help, please click here to get started. With your leadership, our candidates will win in targeted races across the state and keep growing our Republican numbers.

In closing, no SuperPAC or third party group is doing the kind of work that your State Party is doing. We have multiple field staffers working together with our county chairs and grassroots activists to train precinct captains, get them active, and mobilize our voters.

We’re building long-term relationships in South Carolina’s communities and neighborhoods – with the goal of winning elections, bringing more conservative leadership to South Carolina and taking back the White House in 2016. Thanks for what you are doing to help!

God Bless you and the Great State of South Carolina. I hope to see you soon!

In Freedom,

Matt Moore
South Carolina Republican Party