Press Release: S.C. Republican Party endorses Governor Haley’s Tax Reform Plan
Press Release: S.C. Republican Party endorses Governor Nikki Haley’s Tax Reform Plan
Columbia, S.C. – The S.C. Republican Party’s State Executive Committee earlier today passed a resolution endorsing Governor Nikki Haley’s tax reform plan. The State Executive Committee is comprised of grassroots leaders from all 46 South Carolina counties. The resolution passed with an overwhelming vote at the committee’s first quarter meeting held in Columbia.
According to the resolution, “the South Carolina Republican Party State Executive Committee calls on the General Assembly to work in a spirit of cooperation with Governor Nikki Haley and pass the Governor’s complete tax reform plan as originally proposed.”
Link to resolution (full text below):
Passed by the State Executive Committee – January 24, 2015
WHEREAS, the condition of South Carolina’s road system continues to deteriorate at much cost to taxpayers, businesses, and families who’ve lost loved ones due to poor maintenance; and
WHEREAS, South Carolina’s Department of Transportation (DOT) needs structural reforms to both its leadership and operations, so the condition of South Carolina’s roads is no longer driven by short-sighted regionalism and political horse trading, and they stop wasting our tax money; and
WHEREAS, South Carolina’s high personal income tax rate (7%) impacts almost all taxpayers and makes our state uncompetitive among nearby states; and
WHEREAS, Governor Nikki Haley presented an innovative tax reform plan at her 2015 “State of the State” address that will require the DOT to be reformed and the personal income tax to be lowered before the gas tax is increased; and
WHEREAS, all gas tax revenue must then be dedicated entirely to improving our roads; and WHEREAS, the Governor’s tax plan will take us from 38th in income tax competitiveness to 13th nationally; and
WHEREAS, the Governor’s tax plan brings relief to South Carolina taxpayers and is one of the largest tax cuts in state history; and
WHEREAS, we will have better roads and a stronger economic engine for our people; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the South Carolina Republican Party State Executive Committee calls on the General Assembly to work in a spirit of cooperation with Governor Nikki Haley and pass the Governor’s complete tax reform plan as originally proposed.