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ICYMI: Post and Courier: US-China trade deal good news for SC exporters; rule changes will be better

We wanted to flag a recent editorial from the Post and Courier, which describes how beneficial the new US- China trade deal is for South Carolinians.

Since day one, President Trump has been focused on ensuring that Americans are no longer taken advantage of on trade. This deal ensures that exporters across South Carolina finally receive a fair shake when doing business in China.

In Case You Missed It…

US-China trade deal good news for SC exporters; rule changes will be better
Post & Courier
Editorial Board
January 16, 2020

The new trade agreement that the United States and China signed on Wednesday benefits South Carolina exporters and greatly relieves investors.

But the deal is more of a truce than a settlement of the issues President Trump and others have raised against China’s exploitation of world trade rules. In a potentially more effective move, the United States on Tuesday joined Japan and the European Union in proposing new rules that would deny China privileges it currently abuses.

If adopted and enforced, the new rules would be even more favorable to South Carolina.

South Carolina’s Sen. Lindsey Graham praised the new trade pact for opening Chinese markets, calling it “a giant step towards China changing their unfair business practices, including currency manipulation and forcing American companies to transfer technology as a price of doing business in China.”


Read the full editorial here.