Karen’s Blog: Excited About Our New Website
I’m writing today is to give you a quick update on our web operation. You probably know by now that we’ve been putting a lot of emphasis on revamping our online presence because we know the web will be vital in this year’s election.
When you talk about the Internet, most folks just think about websites. But our web operation will span far past just the website you will find at www.sc.gop. In fact, most of our activity will occur away from the SCGOP homepage on social networking and video sharing sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr . We will also be utilizing the new Republican social networking launched by the RNC called OurGOP . Our website will serve as a sophisticated central hub for all that activity.
Oh, and then there will be the voter contact and election tools. I’ll have to tell you about those later. I think you’ll be very excited.
The website launch is looking good and will occur on schedule. Wesley Donehue, who runs our web operation, tells me that launching on schedule isn’t something that happens often. (I hope I didn’t just jinx us). I can’t tell you how excited I am by the design itself. It looks FANTASTIC.
While we still have a couple weeks until launch, I ask that you start getting active online now. It’s hard to believe that it’s been over 13 months since the last election and the next one is coming up faster than you can say “take back Congress.”
That’s why we must get active now. Please join us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/screpublicanparty and share the page with all your friends. Under the SCGOP logo you will find a link that says “Suggest to Friends.”
Please click that link and tell all your friends about us.
That’s it for now. Keep checking back here for updates on our new web launch.
Have a great day!
– Karen