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Bob Holtzmacher…A True Patriot

It’s never easy when a friend dies, especially a friend who is a real part of your family. This week my dear friend Bob Holtzmacher passed away. He was a member of our South Carolina Republican family, a true patriot who Mr. Greg Shorey says “set a high standard of dedication, which others would do well to emulate.

I sat down to write about Bob’s commitment to our party, our state, and our nation, but then I read Mr. Shorey’s words which describe exactly how I feel about the loss of this true patriot. I hope you’ll take a moment to read them while remembering to keep his wife Ardith and their entire family in your prayers.

– Karen

From Mr. Greg Shorey:

I just wanted to share some genuine thoughts about a friendship that I will always cherish. Bob and I first met when we had adjoining slips at the Dataw marina. Bob worked religiously on his bright work as tried to keep up mine. It took no time to discover we were both ardent conservatives with similar concerns. I acquainted him with the Republican activity in Beaufort and Bob soon became an active member of the Beaufort Federation of Republican Men. ..ultimately it’s President. The club gained great influence under his direction addressing issues of community concern.

Naturally Bob became active in the County Party, regularly attending Precinct meetings and County Conventions, becoming a member of the County Executive Committee. His leadership was apparent leading to his election as Chairman of the Beaufort County Party. Serving as Parliamentarian was a challenge as Bob moved to restructure Party organization, wisely dividing the County into logical districts, with Vice Chairs in each. Party by-laws did not provide for such organization, though it would make sense to do so. Success was the result of Bob’s dedicated leadership and the State Party recognized him as County Chairman of the Year. Bob’s unwavering commitment to
conservative principles were evident in all he did. He and Ardith hosted many Party events and candidates significantly assisting fund raising. Often we attended similar events within the County and elsewhere together. He never missed a County or State Convention. Bob set a high standard of dedication, which others would do well to

If anyone ever wants an example of a true patriot and committed constitutional conservative, just follow the example of BOB HOLTZMACHER! His commitment to community carries equal value, including his service on the Board of the Beaufort/Jasper Water & Sewer Authority and many other examples of public service. Bob had
many other interests, beyond boating, politics and government. I sponsored him as a member of our Frogmore Fidelity Investment Club and it was not long before he became it’s President, in recognition of his extensive research as we considered an investment in a particular stock. His recommendations were usually money- makers for the Club.

I did not know Bob before we were near Dataw neighbors. I only wish that I had, as my life would have been enriched that much sooner. What great memories I will always have of a great friend.