Where in the World is Rob Miller, Part V – Raising money everywhere but his district
Columbia, SC – April 27, 2010 – We’ve had a little fun at Democratic Congressional candidate Rob Miller’s expense, highlighting the way he’s been spending time clinking glasses with out of state liberals, kicking television cameras out of public events, and skirting questions about where he stands on healthcare.
Today, we add one more to the list of places where Rob Miller isn’t – raising any money in his own Congressional District.
Here’s a look at Miller’s fundraising from the first quarter of this year, by the numbers:
– Miller has received donations from fewer than 100 people in the second district. By contrast, Congressman Joe Wilson has more than twice as many contributors in Miller’s own Beaufort County – 209, to be exact – than Miller has throughout the District.
– Miller only has 120 individual contributors statewide, compared to 1,547 for Wilson.
– Miller has 40 donors from California, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s campaign account.
– Miller’s combined take from liberal PAC’s and labor unions has totaled nearly $40,000, with roughly half of that amount coming from unions.
“Based on the fact that Mr. Miller has had far better luck raising money in California and Washington, D.C., than he has in his very own district, he may want to consider running in a different state next time around,” SCGOP Executive Director Joel Sawyer said. “Miller’s lack of fundraising success in his very own District shows that he simply doesn’t represent the kind of conservative values that South Carolinians want to see in their Congressmen.”