What if they held a “march” and nobody showed up?
Group can channel $370,000+ to Liberal Democrat Rob Miller,
but only gets one person to show up for protest
(COLUMBIA, SC – August 10, 2010) The poor guy standing on the side of the busy road this afternoon must have felt like the Maytag Repairman.
The extremist liberal group MoveOn.org had promised a march on Congressman Joe Wilson’s Midlands district office in West Columbia today.
But just one forlorn protester showed up holding signs. What a lonely way to spend a hot summer afternoon.
It is the latest setback for the group that has had a very bumpy ride lately. Just yesterday, a South Carolina hero added his voice to the growing chorus of military generals calling on liberal Democrat Rob Miller to cut his ties to MoveOn.org and to return the $370,000 he has received from them. Medal of Honor recipient and Major General James Livingston USMC (retired) put it this way when he talked t a group of military veterans at a luncheon in Beaufort on Monday: “I think he (Miller) ought to look at himself in the mirror and deal with that. If he’s the Marine I think he is, he’s going to look at himself and say, “You know, I’ve got to give that money back. They (MoveOn.org) don’t fit my background and my commitment to the American people.”
Consider this: the more than $370,000 that MoveOn.org has channeled from donors all across the country and sent it to Miller’s campaign is roughly the same amount that MoveOn.org funneled into the recount of votes in Minnesota that helped put leftist comedian Al Franken in the U.S. Senate, and that it directed to Martha Coakley’s ill-fated attempt in Massachusetts to keep Ted Kennedy’s seat in Democrat hands.
Rounding up a mountain of cash isn’t enough for MoveOn.org. While it is pumping big bucks into the Second District Congressional race in hopes of being a player in Palmetto politics, today’s extremely low turnout for their “march” is the latest sign that South Carolinians reject MoveOn.org.
That’s because their agenda is based on attacking and tearing down, not supporting and building up. While Congressman Joe Wilson focuses his efforts on helping bring badly-needed jobs to the Second Congressional District, MoveOn.org is content to rail against people who don’t share their liberal values.
Today’s “march” was meant to be a clever ploy to distract attention from the real issue: Rob Miller is hanging on to every last penny of the more than one-third of a million dollars MoveOn.org has sent him. This despite the fact that Miller knows MoveOn.org slandered the honor and integrity of General David Petraeus simply to advance its own liberal agenda.
Sorry Mr. Miller, but MoveOn.org’s plan to drag a red herring across the campaign trail didn’t work out as planned. That old Three Dog Night song was right; “one is the loneliest number.”
Meanwhile, we’re still waiting for your answer: will you do the right thing, cut your ties with MoveOn.org, and return the money to them?
You are telling us your answer with your silence.