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Request Your Absentee Ballot

Today, the South Carolina Republican Party’s Victory 2010 program announced the launching of a new website created to promote and encourage absentee voting in South Carolina,

Many people are unaware that they may be eligible to vote by mail using an absentee ballot.  Those who are aware are sometimes intimidated by the process.  In 2008, some people experienced long lines at their county voter registration office or a busy signal when they tried to begin the absentee process over the phone.

Now, thanks to the SCGOP and the Victory 2010 program, accomplishing the first step and beginning the absentee voting process is easier than ever before!

The new website,, is a “one-stop shop” where voters can submit their information online and have an e-mail sent directly to their county voter registration office requesting an absentee ballot application form. It’s as simple as that.

There is too much at stake in South Carolina and the United States today for voters to not take part in the 2010 election.  Do your part and begin the voting process today.  Visit and make sure your voice is heard!