Rob Miller’s radical Union supporters marching on Washington this Saturday
Unions That Have Donated Tens of Thousands of Dollars Plan Big Turnout
(Columbia, SC – September 29, 2010) It is an amazing irony. Union and liberal groups are coming together in Washington this weekend — several of whom have given money to a South Carolina Democrat whose job-killing agenda would hurt their members.
Here’s the story: A collection of radical union groups, including some that have generously opened their wallets to liberal Democrat Rob Miller, are making final preparations for their “One Nation March” in Washington this Saturday. The event is spearheaded by the Communication Workers of America (CWA), which wrote a $2,500 check to Miller’s campaign. Another partner is the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), which ponied up $1,500 to Miller (and which actively opposes combating illegal immigration and supports constitutional “rights” for illegals). Other participants include a Who’s Who of the radical Liberal Left: the AFL-CIO, Sierra Club, NEA, ATF, La Raza and many others. (Click here to see a short video from CWA describing the event.) The left is pulling out all the stops to get a big turnout.
And for what purpose? A rally spokesman says, “We’re sending a message, loud and clear, particularly to the Senate of the United States. We’ve had enough of go slow. We’ve had enough of do nothing… It’s time for action in Washington.”
Time for action in Washington? Have these people been asleep for the last 21 months? Action from Washington – the wrong type of action – is precisely why so many Americans are angry. From the job-killing monstrosity of Obamacare to the mind-boggling $700+ billion giveaway of so-called stimulus spending, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have had the Democrat-controlled Congress running in overdrive. And these union-led groups want even more liberal, job-killing “action” from Washington?
Liberal Democrat Rob Miller is the darling of these left of center groups and favors their job-killing policies. Exhibit A: Miller said he would have voted for Obamacare, which the NFIB estimates will wind up killing 1.6 million jobs by the time it is fully implemented.
Not only that, but Rob Miller has yet to publicly express his opinion on Card Check. It would allow Unions to bypass a secret ballot and automatically unionize small businesses, killing jobs in the process. The groups rallying in Washington on Saturday want Card Check to become the law of the land, and they’re betting thousands of dollars in campaign contributions that Rob Miller would work hard in Congress to get it for them.
But as always, Rob Miller sticks to his pre-scripted talking points and avoids sharing his views on issues that really matter to folks here in South Carolina, such as Card Check.
So the buses are being prepared to load up and head to Washington in a few days. Rob Miller’s allies will march and cheer and call for even more job-killing liberal action from Congress on Saturday. And Rob Miller will keep his fingers crossed, hoping he gets his chance to make it to Washington himself next January, and give Nancy Pelosi the extra liberal vote she wants to make all those union dreams come true.