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Party resolutions up for debate

Now that our county conventions are underway, resolutions passed in those conventions are up for consideration by the S.C. Republican Party Resolutions Committee. If the resolutions committee passes them, they will be up for voting by the state delegates. However, before the resolutions committee votes, it would like to hear your opinion.

We will be posting resolutions as they arrive from the county parties, which can be viewed by clicking here. Please use the comments section of the blog to give us your opinion.

In order to honor the constructive intent of this process, we ask that you follow two rules:

  • Please register with your full name and email (the email won’t be shown).
  • Leave no comments making negative remarks about any individual, whether by name directly, or through indirect reference to the office or title they hold (or any organization).

It is extremely important to us that you voice be heard, but we will not tolerate unconstructive or mean-spirited attacks. Comments will be moderated.

We’re really looking forward to hearing your feedback. Again, please click here and share your thoughts about the resolutions passed by our county parties.

Lastly, the Resolutions Committee will be holding a meeting prior to the convention. The date is yet to be determined, but we will announce it ASAP.


Karen Floyd

SCGOP Chairman