SCGOP Call to Action on Reform Legislation
Call your State Senator on the Senate floor at 803-212-6700!
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Governor Haley has asked the State Senate to not go home without passing a strong tort reform bill and a Department of Administration bill. With just three short days remaining, it’s critical that our Republican activists contact their Republican Senators and demand they act before going home. Our party is in the majority. We must govern like it.
Tort Reform – Strong tort reform means strong caps on punitive damages. That’s what our Governor and business leaders have called for. The vote is simple. Vote for jobs or for trial lawyers. The trial lawyers are pushing our Senators to accept their liberal caps on punitive damages, which would make South Carolina’s caps the highest in the Southeast by almost three times as much. That will cost our state jobs and opportunities. Tell your Senator that the days of trading South Carolina jobs away through deals with the personal injury lawyers are over.
Department of Administration – This bill will mark the most significant restructuring of state government since Governor Carroll Campbell’s landmark reforms. Moving the critical duties of the Budget and Control Board to the Executive Branch will make our government more accountable and transparent. Anonymous offices, agencies and spending decisions will end, and responsibility and authority will be placed with the Governor. South Carolina is the only state in the nation with a quasi legislative-executive Budget and Control Board, and this needs to change.
Remember to call your State Senator on the Senate floor at 803-212-6700!
Find your State Senator here: