Chairman’s Weekly Update
Dear State Committee Members,
Thank you for your incredible support over the last two weeks. Your kindness and prayers have shown me what we already knew – that we have the best State Party in the nation! But we refuse to rest on our laurels. With your help, we’ve already hit the ground running to secure Republican victories in 2014 and beyond!
It’s been my honor to meet in-person and connect via phone with many of you. Beyond having personal discussions, it is also important for me to stay in constant digital contact. On a regular basis, I will send these email updates. Please feel free to forward them on to your county party lists.
On Monday, June 10, I met all morning with our SCGOP staff in Columbia and later attended a fundraiser with Congressman Jeff Duncan in Greenville. It was a great night and we connected with many grassroots activists!
The next morning, the State Party held a media availability in Columbia that generated positive press:
I then sat down for an interview with CNN’s Peter Hamby, where I said, “We think the next generation of voters should be conservatives who are tired of the assault on their personal freedoms.” Link:
On Wednesday, June 12, I filmed an interview with to discuss our party’s positive vision for the future:
On Thursday, June 13, I filmed a WACH-FOX (Columbia) debate with the S.C. Democratic Party Chairman that aired on Sunday, June 16 (link unavailable).
I then met with S.C. Attorney General Alan Wilson and leadership from the Republican Attorney Generals’ Association (RAGA). RAGA will hold their annual conference in Charleston in November. We are proud to welcome RAGA to South Carolina! Stay tuned for more details.
Later on Thursday, I traveled to the Aiken County Republican Party monthly meeting. It was great to catch up with Chairman Diane Barnes, Executive Committeeman K.T. Ruthven, and their strong county party!
On Friday, June 14, I had breakfast with a conservative legislator and appeared on Josh Kimbrell’s “Common Cents” on Christian Talk 660/92.9FM in the Upstate (link unavailable).
After a restful weekend, this past Monday I filmed a segment for WTLX-CBS in Columbia:
Later that evening I spoke at the Horry County Republican Party “Kickoff” event. The food, music, and guests were great and I sincerely thank Chairman Robert Rabon and Executive Committeeman Russell Fry for their invitation. Horry County Republicans are on the move!
A few miles away in Georgetown County, I spoke at the Waccamaw Neck Republican Club’s monthly meeting. The Club had great questions and I enjoyed the visit. Thank you Chairman Randy Hollister and Executive Committeeman Jerry Rovner!
On Tuesday, our State Party staff continued the process of building our Victory 2014 framework. Without giving away too many details, we’re going to work in every corner of our beautiful state to deliver our positive, conservative message and WIN.
Later on Tuesday, I went in-studio at WVOC 100.1 FM on the “Afternoon Rush” with Jonathan & Kelly. Afternoon Rush is the biggest talk radio show in the Columbia market. Take a listen:
On Tuesday evening, I debated the S.C. Democratic Party Chairman LIVE on WLTX-CBS:
After working on fundraising all day Wednesday, I filmed another segment on Thursday morning with the S.C. Democratic Party Chairman. It will appear this Sunday at 11:00 A.M. in the Midlands on WISTV-NBC. I enjoyed the chance to remind viewers of Vincent Sheheen’s love for ObamaCare, big government, and other failed liberal policies!
Tonight, my wife and I will attend the Williamsburg County Republican Party barbecue. Thank you Chairman Ida Martin and Executive Committeewoman Barbara Mishoe for the invitation!
Next week, I will travel to Washington, D.C. (at no cost to the State Party) to visit with national party Chairman Reince Priebus to discuss our 2014 Victory plans and connect with our national political team.
As a reminder, next Friday, June 28, our State Party is honored to host Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky). A luncheon will be held in Greenville at 11:30 A.M. and we will have a barbecue dinner that night in Columbia (6:00 P.M.) at the State Farmers’ Market. Please come out and support your South Carolina Republican Party!
You can buy your tickets online at
Thank you for your service. Together, united as a State Committee, we are leading South Carolina forward!
God Bless,
Matt Moore
Chairman, South Carolina Republican Party