Mike Anthony as State Superintendent of Education: Anti-Reformer and True Friend of the Education Status Quo
What would the S.C. education system look like with Democrat Mike Anthony at the helm?
Anthony has authored zero education bills as a legislator.
Anthony was named 2004 “Legislator of the Year” by state chapter of nation’s largest labor union.
Representative Mike Anthony has repeatedly claimed to be a “teacher and a coach” but that is far from reality – he has been a Columbia politician for over a decade.
As a legislator, he has continually opposed common-sense education reforms, including public charter schools, and has NEVER authored a single piece of statewide education legislation. His only legislative success is a bill regulating fireworks. Yes, fireworks.
Just this year, Rep. Anthony co-sponsored a bill that could have effectively ended home schooling in South Carolina by placing impossible burdens on parents. He also this year opposed school choice for children with disabilities and special needs.
With Mike Anthony as State Superintendent of Education, South Carolinians would see more of the same.
South Carolina can’t afford such poor leadership on education.
South Carolina Republican Party Chairman Matt Moore issued a statement following Rep. Anthony’s announcement that he is seeking election as State Superintendent of Education:
“State Representative Mike Anthony has been in the pocket of big labor unions and the education establishment for a decade. His time in Columbia has been marked by no legislative leadership and standing against education reform. As a failed state legislator, Anthony has continually shown that he lacks the skills necessary to transform education in South Carolina. By standing against legislation to give parents more school options, even wildly popular public charter schools, it is evident that he is out of touch with South Carolinians. If Representative Anthony is the Democrats’ choice for State Superintendent of Education, I’m confident he will strike out with voters.”
Meet Liberal Columbia Insider Mike Anthony
Politician or Coach?
“Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m a teacher and a coach – not a politician.” – State Representative Mike Anthony, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, 8/12/2013
Fact: State Representative Anthony has been a Columbia politician for the last 11 years.
Rep. Anthony was the 2004 S.C. Education Association (SCEA) “Legislator of the Year.” The SCEA is the state affiliate of the nation’s largest labor union.
Legislative Record – Authorship
State Representative Mike Anthony has authored 15 general bills over his 10-year career in Columbia. Only ONE bill with a statewide impact became law: a bill regulating the return of unused fireworks to wholesalers.
How many statewide education bills has Representative Anthony authored? The answer: Zero. But that’s not surprising since Representative Anthony has spent a decade defending the education establishment. Source: South Carolina General Assembly Website, Accessed August 14, 2013, http://www.scstatehouse.gov/member.php?code=0038636359
Legislative Record – Home Schooling
Rep. Anthony co-sponsored a 2013 bill, H. 3478, that could have effectively ended home schooling in South Carolina by placing undue burdens on parents – despite a recent study by the Home School Legal Defense Association that found that home-schooled children rank above the 80th percentile in all education categories.
Source: http://www.hslda.org/docs/
Source: http://www.scstatehouse.gov/
Legislative Record – Taxes State Representative Mike Anthony has a long history of voting against tax cuts for South Carolina families and small businesses.
H.3007, Second Reading, February 2, 2005; Vote: 73 Aye, 39 Nay, Anthony Voted Nay; http://www.scstatehouse.gov/
Legislative Record – Public Charter Schools State Representative Mike Anthony gets an “F” for opposing public charter schools. H.5080, Second Reading, April 28, 2004; Vote: 66 Aye, 41 Nay, Anthony Voted Nay; http://www.scstatehouse.gov/
Legislative Record – School Choice for Children with Disabilities
In 2013, state legislators passed a special amendment allowing people and businesses to receive tax credits for supporting private-school scholarships for children with disabilities. Their donations must go to non-profit groups that distribute the scholarships.
H. 3710, Amendment 2a, June 5, 2013 – Voted to table and then voted against the amendment: