SCGOP to push RNC Election Integrity Committee findings to tighten state election laws
SCGOP to push RNC Election Integrity Committee findings to tighten state election laws
(Columbia, S.C.) – After investing $40 million into lawsuits protecting ballot security, recounts, and poll watching in 2020, the RNC Election Integrity Committee, with SCGOP Chairman Drew McKissick an appointed member, released its report findings from the 2020 election and its plan to protect ballot security moving forward.
The committee investigations found various Democrat-run cities and states used COVID-19 to make last minute changes through unorthodox methods to election laws, and recommends to:
- Clean up their voter rolls
- Eliminate same-day and automatic voter registration
- Enact voter ID requirements for all voting methods, while ensuring officials educate the public on ID requirements and provide free IDs to those few without one
- Only use voting systems that produce a paper record of a voter’s selections that is reviewable pre-tabulation and auditable post-election.
- Prohibit ballot harvesting
- Enact uniform and enforceable standards for rejecting and accepting absentee ballots
- Enhance cybersecurity requirements for voting systems, including that they have no wireless, network, or internet connectivity at any stage of the election process
- Allow political parties and state legislatures to have standing to bring or intervene in election-related litigation
- Prohibit the acceptance or the use of any non-governmental, third-party, or private money, grants, or gifts from outside sources to assist in the administration of an election
The RNC and SCGOP will track and monitor election integrity legislation to close potential loopholes and tighten up areas that need adjusting.
The SCGOP is focused on working with the legislature, grassroots activists, and experts to be effective and productive in protecting the integrity of our elections. Some areas of focus include cleaning voter rolls, requiring all county election commissions to play by the same rules, and trimming absentee ballot excuses.
“Whether it be fighting Democrat lawsuits attempting to change our election laws, pushing people to vote in-person absentee or be poll workers, or working with the legislature on closing the gaps, we’ve consistently proven we’re committed to defending ballot integrity here in South Carolina,” said SCGOP Chairman Drew McKissick. “We’re ready to take what we learned through the RNC Election Integrity Committee report and get to work here in South Carolina.”
Thanks to SCGOP Chairman McKissick’s leadership and our Republican leaders’ commitment to securing the vote here, South Carolina handled the 2020 election the right way–despite Democrat filed lawsuits in federal and state courts attempting to change election law through judges and not the legislature.
The South Carolina Republican Party successfully intervened in all three cases, taking one all the way to the United States Supreme Court and winning there too.
In 2020, South Carolina Republicans had the most successful election cycle in more than 140 years.
Read the full RNC Election Integrity Committee report here.
Read the initial committee announcement release here.