There are 99 days until the election. And everyday until November 2nd, day after day, we’re going to hear more bad ideas that grow government instead of promoting financial liberty.
We’re going to hear from liberals like Joe Biden, who just stopped in to raise money for John Spratt, saying that we should have spent even more “stimulus” money. We’re going to hear from Congressman Spratt himself that the budget he wrote is actually fiscally responsible, although we all know it increases our debts and puts our nation at risk. We’re going to hear from Rob Miller that it’s okay for candidates to accept millions of dollars from liberal Washington special interest groups. We’re going to hear from Vincent Sheheen that English doesn’t have to be our state’s official language and that tax cuts won’t create jobs and grow our economy. We’ll hear from Matt Richardson (he’s the liberal running for Attorney General, in case you’ve never heard of him) that we don’t need to stand up to the federal government when they step on our rights every other day. We’ll even hear from their US Senate candidate who believes action figures of himself will fix our high unemployment rate.
The bad ideas will keep coming, but we’re not drinking what they’re serving. South Carolinians are sick and tired of politicians pretending they know best. We’re ready for candidates who believe we know better than government and special interest groups.
You can help. Nikki Haley, Jim DeMint, Joe Wilson and Mick Mulvaney have the ideas to turn our nation and our state around. We’re building the most organized grassroots army ever assembled in South Carolina, but we need immediate funding to put our troops on the ground.
Will you donate just $1 a day, a total of $99, to help launch our efforts?
Fight 99 days of bad liberal ideas with just a simple $99 donation by clicking here.
$1 a day makes a difference. Please let us hear from you today.
Karen Floyd
SCGOP Chairman
PS – Let’s fight the bad ideas that Vincent Sheheen and John Spratt are pushing. $99 is all we need.