Lexington Resolution: Birthright Citizenship
This below resolution was passed at the Lexington county convention, and will now go to the resolutions committee. If the resolutions committee passes it, the resolution will be up for a vote at the state convention. However, before the resolutions committee votes, they want to know your opinion. Please use the comments section below to give us your opinion, and please use your real name. Thank you!
Whereas, the Republican Party of Lexington County, believes that the Constitution is the bedrock of our legal system and the blueprint of our form of government.
Whereas, the Republican Party of Lexington County believes the Constitution is not meant to reward illegal actions.
Whereas, the cost and burden of illegal immigration upon our society is contributing to the record deficits are country is facing. And the interpretation of the Birthright citizenship is a contributing factor to the illegal immigration problem.
Whereas, The Birthright Citizenship Act of 2011 (HR 140) has been submitted to the United States House of Representatives and has been cosponsored by 73 members.
Whereas, The Birthright Citizenship Act of 2011 (S 723) has been submitted to the United States Senate and has been cosponsored by 4 members.
Whereas, The Birthright Citizenship Act of 2011 is a bill to amend section 301 of the Immigration and Nationality Act to clarify those classes of individuals born in the United States who are nationals and citizens of the United States at birth.
Whereas, The Birthright citizenship Act acknowledges the birthright citizenship established by section 1 of the 14th amendment to the Constitution, a person shall be considered ‘subject to the jurisdiction’ of the United States for the purposes of subsection (a) (1) if the person is born in the United States of parents one whom is (1) A citizen or national of the United States; (2) an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States whose residence is in the United States; or (3) an alien performing active service in the armed forces (as defined in section 101 of title 10, United States Code).
Resolved, that the Republican Party of Lexington County South Carolina calls upon the United States Congress to act immediately to pass, and upon President Barrack Obama to sign into law H.R. 140 or S 723, without changes the weaken the intent of the bill.
Be it further resolved that this resolution be transmitted to the Members of congress representing the State of South Carolina.
Oakwood Precinct Robert Schaeffer