Spartanburg Resolution: Roger Milliken
This below resolution was passed at the Spartanburg county convention, and will now go to the resolutions committee. If the resolutions committee passes it, the resolution will be up for a vote at the state convention. However, before the resolutions committee votes, they want to know your opinion. Please use the comments section below to give us your opinion, and please use your real name. Thank you!
as submitted by his precinct, Trinity Methodist:
The Trinity Methodist Precinct offers this memorial resolution in honor of the late Roger Milliken. We hereby commemorate the life, contribution, and legacy of our faithful neighbor and friend.
We hereby memorialize the extensive community contributions of Mr. Milliken including his wisdom and foresight in community planning; his active political voice in the Republican Party, and the economic impact he had on the Upstate and the Nation.
This resolution incorporates the heartfelt appreciation of a precinct that benefited greatly from Mr. Milliken’s numerous personally typed proposals, his words of wisdom and his passion for American constitutionalism, American ingenuity, American ideals and the free market system.
Mr. Roger Milliken’s passing into eternity on December 30, 2010 leaves both a vast void and an unsurpassed legacy in an eternally grateful community, State, and Nation.